Conseq Invest Akcie Nové Evropy, otevřený podílový fond CZ0008477049, Basic data

Conseq Invest Akcie Nové Evropy, otevřený podílový fond CZ0008477049, souhrn dat
Abbreviated name of the fund  Conseq Invest Akcie Nové Evropy, otevřený podílový fond CZ0008477049
The official name of the fund  Conseq Invest Akcie Nové Evropy, otevřený podílový fond CZ0008477049
ISIN CZ0008477049
Registration No. 75163110

Authorization for the activity     The form of PC / share registered
Beggining of operation     The form of PC / share to name
Region Central Europe    The nominal value of PC / share (CZK)
Type of fund equity    Current number of PC to 02/24/2025  
Standard / special special    Current additional charge
Investment objective internet    The maximum additional charge at PC issue
Last statute update  Nov. 25, 2021, midnight    Current reduction
Minimum initial investment    Maximum reduction for PC purchase
Each additional investment    The management fee
Permitted investments abroad    Current distribution additional charge

The Management Company  Conseq Investment Management , company's funds
Custodian  Conseq Investment Management, a.s.
Auditor  KPMG Česká republika Audit, s.r.o.

Poslední zprávy z rubriky Fondy

Basic data, page description

The page offers basic information on individual mutual funds - the exact name, date of beggining of the operation, type of fund, the minimum investment amount, the amount of additional charges and reductions, the Asset Management Company, the custodian, the auditor, etc. Click the name of the Asset Management Company to activate the page Current rates with a view of data relating to the investment company and her managed funds.
Time: March 3, 2025, 9:04 a.m.
London time: March 3, 2025, 9:04 a.m.
NY time: March 3, 2025, 4:04 a.m.
Tokyo time: March 3, 2025, 6:04 p.m.

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