Goldman Sachs Czech Crown Bond - P Dis CZK, Statistic entire table

Goldman Sachs Czech Crown Bond - P Dis CZK, souhrn dat
Shortened perfomance table
Performance and performance history, statistics
Date from NAV / PC Total NAV
in CZK
Number of PC PC movement
for the past week
Development of NAV for PL for Performance
from the beginning
of the year
from the start
of operation
net sales
in CZK
PC in units
PC in units
1 week
1 month
3 months
6 months
1 year
Sept. 27, 2019, midnight 1683.0400 11 646 207.0200 0.50% -1.61% - - 6.73% - -
Sept. 20, 2019, midnight 1674.6400 11 571 136.8900 -0.11% -1.87% - - 6.25% - -
Sept. 13, 2019, midnight 1676.5400 11 632 683.0800 -1.05% -2.89% - - 6.26% - -
Sept. 6, 2019, midnight 1694.2600 11 729 914.8700 -0.95% -1.34% - - 7.06% - -
Aug. 30, 2019, midnight 1710.5300 11 826 489.1100 0.23% 1.34% - - 8.06% - -
Aug. 23, 2019, midnight 1706.5200 11 798 785.8100 -1.16% 2.36% - - 7.96% - -
Aug. 16, 2019, midnight 1726.5100 11 940 165.7700 0.54% 4.23% - - 9.26% - -
Aug. 9, 2019, midnight 1717.1900 11 838 555.6200 1.73% 3.78% - - 8.81% - -
Aug. 2, 2019, midnight 1687.9600 11 670 476.1400 1.24% 1.97% - - 6.96% - -
July 26, 2019, midnight 1667.2200 11 527 065.8300 0.65% 0.92% - - 5.17% - -
July 19, 2019, midnight 1656.3900 11 450 591.1300 0.10% 0.34% - - 4.05% - -
July 12, 2019, midnight 1654.6800 11 440 388.8400 -0.04% 0.80% - - 4.38% - -
July 5, 2019, midnight 1655.3500 11 445 018.1700 0.20% 1.18% - - 4.62% - -
June 28, 2019, midnight 1652.1000 11 422 420.5600 0.08% 1.40% - - 4.44% - -
June 21, 2019, midnight 1650.7200 11 400 917.4000 0.56% 1.93% - - 4.34% - -
June 14, 2019, midnight 1641.5300 11 340 722.7600 0.34% 1.58% - - 3.35% - -
June 7, 2019, midnight 1636.0200 11 311 378.2500 0.41% 1.80% - - 2.80% - -
May 31, 2019, midnight 1629.3200 11 265 062.9300 0.61% 1.58% - - 1.75% - -
May 24, 2019, midnight 1619.4400 11 196 741.2500 0.21% 0.70% - - 1.25% - -
May 17, 2019, midnight 1616.0300 11 166 123.7300 0.56% 0.46% - - 0.54% - -
Notice: If NAV or rate (development of NAV / PL) are not published, these data may besupplemented from other sources.

Graf odkupu a prodeje

Graf odkupu a prodeje Goldman Sachs Czech Crown Bond - P Dis CZK

Graph of purchase and sale

Graph of purchase and sale Goldman Sachs Czech Crown Bond - P Dis CZK
 Graph of purchase and sale, net weekly sales, from   to  
Time: Feb. 27, 2025, 4:33 a.m.
London time: Feb. 27, 2025, 4:33 a.m.
NY time: Feb. 26, 2025, 11:33 p.m.
Tokyo time: Feb. 27, 2025, 1:33 p.m.

Zobrazit sloupec 
