Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Equity Income - X Cap CZK (hedged i), Statistic entire table

Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Equity Income - X Cap CZK (hedged i), souhrn dat
Shortened perfomance table
Performance and performance history, statistics
Date from NAV / PC Total NAV
in CZK
Number of PC PC movement
for the past week
Development of NAV for PL for Performance
from the beginning
of the year
from the start
of operation
net sales
in CZK
PC in units
PC in units
1 week
1 month
3 months
6 months
1 year
Nov. 22, 2019, midnight 1128.9400 129 409 162.2100 0.25% 0.62% - - 7.59% - -
Nov. 15, 2019, midnight 1126.0900 132 544 240.9100 -2.16% 2.13% - - 5.86% - -
Nov. 8, 2019, midnight 1150.9300 137 684 746.6000 2.60% 4.62% - - 8.60% - -
Nov. 1, 2019, midnight 1121.7800 132 881 378.8500 -0.02% 3.31% - - 5.06% - -
Oct. 25, 2019, midnight 1121.9800 134 019 979.9300 1.75% 2.41% - - 10.38% - -
Oct. 18, 2019, midnight 1102.6300 133 344 532.5000 0.23% -0.60% - - 5.56% - -
Oct. 11, 2019, midnight 1100.1400 130 378 233.6500 1.32% -0.82% - - 6.39% - -
Oct. 4, 2019, midnight 1085.8200 131 480 764.5800 -0.89% -0.59% - - 2.96% - -
Sept. 27, 2019, midnight 1095.5900 134 366 516.2400 -1.24% 2.51% - - 1.20% - -
Sept. 20, 2019, midnight 1109.3200 134 584 752.8000 0.01% 5.91% - - 3.96% - -
Sept. 13, 2019, midnight 1109.2000 135 546 999.2700 1.55% 5.37% - - 5.45% - -
Sept. 6, 2019, midnight 1092.3000 133 192 889.9600 2.20% 3.25% - - 3.37% - -
Aug. 30, 2019, midnight 1068.7600 130 877 040.6700 2.04% -1.85% - - -0.32% - -
Aug. 23, 2019, midnight 1047.4300 128 613 592.4600 -0.50% -7.77% - - -1.28% - -
Aug. 16, 2019, midnight 1052.6800 128 468 398.2900 -0.50% -7.57% - - -0.93% - -
Aug. 9, 2019, midnight 1057.9500 131 036 897.0000 -2.84% -6.15% - - -2.53% - -
Aug. 2, 2019, midnight 1088.9300 134 173 900.5900 -4.11% -4.06% - - 0.34% - -
July 26, 2019, midnight 1135.6500 140 057 516.6400 -0.29% 1.64% - - 4.17% - -
July 19, 2019, midnight 1138.9300 140 105 763.0300 1.03% 1.72% - - 7.38% - -
July 12, 2019, midnight 1127.2800 154 754 672.3300 -0.68% 3.33% - - 6.22% - -
Notice: If NAV or rate (development of NAV / PL) are not published, these data may besupplemented from other sources.

Graf odkupu a prodeje

Graf odkupu a prodeje Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Equity Income - X Cap CZK (hedged i)

Graph of purchase and sale

Graph of purchase and sale Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Equity Income - X Cap CZK (hedged i)
 Graph of purchase and sale, net weekly sales, from   to  
Time: Dec. 19, 2024, 9:01 a.m.
London time: Dec. 19, 2024, 9:01 a.m.
NY time: Dec. 19, 2024, 4:01 a.m.
Tokyo time: Dec. 19, 2024, 6:01 p.m.

Zobrazit sloupec 
