Goldman Sachs Global Real Estate Equity (Former NN) - X Cap EUR, Statistic entire table

Goldman Sachs Global Real Estate Equity (Former NN) - X Cap EUR, souhrn dat
Shortened perfomance table
Performance and performance history, statistics
Date from NAV / PC Total NAV
in CZK
Number of PC PC movement
for the past week
Development of NAV for PL for Performance
from the beginning
of the year
from the start
of operation
net sales
in CZK
PC in units
PC in units
1 week
1 month
3 months
6 months
1 year
Nov. 15, 2019, midnight 1552.1800 2 716 422.0200 0.07% -0.01% - - 15.23% - -
Nov. 8, 2019, midnight 1551.0200 2 753 599.1800 -1.12% 0.23% - - 14.76% - -
Nov. 1, 2019, midnight 1568.6400 2 783 891.7100 0.63% 0.81% - - 19.88% - -
Oct. 25, 2019, midnight 1558.7600 2 772 225.3800 0.41% 0.20% - - 19.22% - -
Oct. 18, 2019, midnight 1552.3400 2 761 119.1100 0.32% 1.07% - - 19.38% - -
Oct. 11, 2019, midnight 1547.4200 2 754 593.6900 -0.55% 2.63% - - 22.45% - -
Oct. 4, 2019, midnight 1555.9900 2 759 236.0500 0.03% 2.10% - - 20.78% - -
Sept. 27, 2019, midnight 1555.5900 2 664 528.6600 1.28% 2.62% - - 17.66% - -
Sept. 20, 2019, midnight 1535.8900 2 659 998.7500 1.86% 3.20% - - 16.88% - -
Sept. 13, 2019, midnight 1507.7800 2 637 291.1900 -1.07% 0.92% - - 13.68% - -
Sept. 6, 2019, midnight 1524.0400 2 645 096.6900 0.54% 3.14% - - 14.45% - -
Aug. 30, 2019, midnight 1515.8900 2 623 722.0000 1.86% 2.23% - - 12.13% - -
Aug. 23, 2019, midnight 1488.2500 2 584 560.6600 -0.38% 0.33% - - 10.65% - -
Aug. 16, 2019, midnight 1493.9800 2 560 931.1400 1.11% 1.52% - - 8.62% - -
Aug. 9, 2019, midnight 1477.6200 2 567 178.6700 -0.35% -0.94% - - 9.73% - -
Aug. 2, 2019, midnight 1482.8300 2 597 754.3400 -0.04% -1.27% - - 9.35% - -
July 26, 2019, midnight 1483.3900 2 595 550.5200 0.80% 2.89% - - 11.30% - -
July 19, 2019, midnight 1471.6100 2 606 452.0800 -1.35% -0.33% - - 10.84% - -
July 12, 2019, midnight 1491.7100 2 627 978.6700 -0.67% 1.17% - - 10.70% - -
July 5, 2019, midnight 1501.8300 2 652 568.3500 4.17% 3.04% - - 11.27% - -
Notice: If NAV or rate (development of NAV / PL) are not published, these data may besupplemented from other sources.

Graf odkupu a prodeje

Graf odkupu a prodeje Goldman Sachs Global Real Estate Equity (Former NN) - X Cap EUR

Graph of purchase and sale

Graph of purchase and sale Goldman Sachs Global Real Estate Equity (Former NN) - X Cap EUR
 Graph of purchase and sale, net weekly sales, from   to  
Time: Dec. 19, 2024, 12:17 a.m.
London time: Dec. 19, 2024, 12:17 a.m.
NY time: Dec. 18, 2024, 7:17 p.m.
Tokyo time: Dec. 19, 2024, 9:17 a.m.

Zobrazit sloupec 
