Goldman Sachs Japan Equity (Former NN) - X Cap CZK (hedged i), Statistic entire table

Goldman Sachs Japan Equity (Former NN) - X Cap CZK (hedged i), souhrn dat
Shortened perfomance table
Performance and performance history, statistics
Date from NAV / PC Total NAV
in CZK
Number of PC PC movement
for the past week
Development of NAV for PL for Performance
from the beginning
of the year
from the start
of operation
net sales
in CZK
PC in units
PC in units
1 week
1 month
3 months
6 months
1 year
April 3, 2020, midnight 8688.3100 51 531 283.3100 -8.81% -14.36% - - -24.93% - -
March 27, 2020, midnight 9527.8600 56 155 643.1400 14.68% -10.43% - - -14.98% - -
March 19, 2020, midnight 8308.3200 48 359 935.2200 -4.40% -29.69% - - -26.07% - -
March 13, 2020, midnight 8690.3700 49 613 678.4100 -14.34% -27.69% - - -22.04% - -
March 6, 2020, midnight 10145.5500 61 137 677.9000 -4.62% -17.37% - - -7.16% - -
Feb. 28, 2020, midnight 10637.4700 64 047 747.1500 -9.97% -10.84% - - -5.93% - -
Feb. 21, 2020, midnight 11815.9000 75 846 564.9400 -1.68% -5.05% - - 4.67% - -
Feb. 14, 2020, midnight 12017.5600 76 293 139.0200 -2.12% -3.84% - - 7.88% - -
Feb. 7, 2020, midnight 12277.9700 77 765 618.0200 2.92% -1.73% - - 13.34% - -
Jan. 31, 2020, midnight 11930.1100 74 559 240.0400 -4.14% -4.21% - - 7.69% - -
Jan. 24, 2020, midnight 12444.8900 77 787 313.6900 -0.42% -0.92% - - 11.71% - -
Jan. 17, 2020, midnight 12497.9700 78 179 044.7700 0.03% -0.66% - - 13.63% - -
Jan. 10, 2020, midnight 12493.8900 78 607 503.1800 - -1.40% - - 16.12% - -
Dec. 30, 2019, midnight 12454.6900 79 281 384.4600 -0.84% 1.74% - - 19.21% - -
Dec. 27, 2019, midnight 12559.9800 79 514 200.7200 -0.16% 2.60% - - 20.22% - -
Dec. 20, 2019, midnight 12580.4500 80 739 738.7900 -0.72% 3.42% - - 21.91% - -
Dec. 13, 2019, midnight 12671.8200 80 932 088.5400 2.16% 3.63% - - 14.60% - -
Dec. 6, 2019, midnight 12403.4600 80 897 548.2600 1.33% 0.93% - - 9.66% - -
Nov. 29, 2019, midnight 12241.1600 80 292 864.5700 0.63% 2.72% - - 3.62% - -
Nov. 22, 2019, midnight 12164.8600 80 078 170.3300 -0.51% 2.42% - - 5.18% - -
Notice: If NAV or rate (development of NAV / PL) are not published, these data may besupplemented from other sources.

Graf odkupu a prodeje

Graf odkupu a prodeje Goldman Sachs Japan Equity (Former NN) - X Cap CZK (hedged i)

Graph of purchase and sale

Graph of purchase and sale Goldman Sachs Japan Equity (Former NN) - X Cap CZK (hedged i)
 Graph of purchase and sale, net weekly sales, from   to  
Time: Dec. 19, 2024, 12:51 a.m.
London time: Dec. 19, 2024, 12:51 a.m.
NY time: Dec. 18, 2024, 7:51 p.m.
Tokyo time: Dec. 19, 2024, 9:51 a.m.

Zobrazit sloupec 
