SPOROBOND - otevřený podílový fond CZ0008475233, Statistic entire table

SPOROBOND - otevřený podílový fond CZ0008475233, souhrn dat
Shortened perfomance table
Performance and performance history, statistics
Date from NAV / PC Total NAV
in CZK
Number of PC PC movement
for the past week
Development of NAV for PL for Performance
from the beginning
of the year
from the start
of operation
net sales
in CZK
PC in units
PC in units
1 week
1 month
3 months
6 months
1 year
June 8, 2012, midnight 1.9798 9 142 476 842.0000 46 848 966.4000 73 098 789.9000 26 249 823.5000 36 952 167 13 282 773 0.33% 0.89% 1.73% 5.72% - - 4.93%
June 1, 2012, midnight 1.9732 9 065 656 230.0000 47 516 624.1000 80 342 183.2000 32 825 559.1000 40 747 966 16 655 888 0.14% 0.86% 1.55% 6.88% - - 4.91%
May 25, 2012, midnight 1.9705 9 005 472 293.0000 41 699 769.0000 80 231 458.3000 38 531 689.3000 40 793 082 19 589 348 0.13% 1.13% 1.77% 6.64% - - 4.91%
May 18, 2012, midnight 1.9679 8 952 230 454.0000 52 742 840.6000 98 280 994.3000 45 538 153.7000 50 053 721 23 183 024 0.29% 1.05% 1.72% 4.65% - - 4.90%
May 11, 2012, midnight 1.9623 8 873 941 726.0000 37 575 922.4000 60 597 234.3000 23 021 311.9000 30 877 232 11 747 449 0.31% 1.00% 1.41% 3.43% - - 4.89%
May 4, 2012, midnight 1.9563 8 809 257 645.0000 38 067 548.5000 59 808 138.6000 21 740 590.1000 30 660 840 11 146 937 0.40% 0.86% 1.05% 2.77% - - 4.87%
April 27, 2012, midnight 1.9485 8 736 161 261.0000 60 494 899.8000 90 650 297.0000 30 155 397.2000 46 503 669 15 478 072 0.05% 0.44% 1.16% 2.10% - - 4.85%
April 20, 2012, midnight 1.9475 8 671 332 897.0000 52 238 804.3000 85 055 269.5000 32 816 465.2000 43 699 731 16 866 721 0.24% 0.58% 2.12% 2.11% - - 4.85%
April 13, 2012, midnight 1.9429 8 598 599 349.0000 25 143 679.2000 49 035 959.5000 23 892 280.3000 25 263 012 12 314 080 0.16% 0.39% 2.44% 1.92% - - 4.84%
April 6, 2012, midnight 1.9397 8 559 490 953.0000 24 379 160.8000 57 442 800.8000 33 063 640.0000 29 629 158 17 054 588 -0.01% -0.33% 2.73% 1.78% - - 4.84%
March 30, 2012, midnight 1.9399 8 535 699 550.0000 36 984 618.5000 65 528 359.1000 28 543 740.6000 33 803 333 14 739 298 0.19% -0.16% 2.54% 1.69% - - 4.84%
March 23, 2012, midnight 1.9363 8 482 997 338.0000 69 241 336.9000 103 089 385.3000 33 848 048.4000 53 368 611 17 515 706 0.05% 0.01% 2.87% 0.91% - - 4.84%
March 16, 2012, midnight 1.9354 8 409 625 290.0000 47 345 819.7000 76 673 069.7000 29 327 250.0000 39 493 731 15 091 169 -0.55% 0.04% 3.37% 0.57% - - 4.84%
March 9, 2012, midnight 1.9461 8 408 623 150.0000 27 205 833.5000 63 339 766.6000 36 133 933.1000 32 564 300 18 583 379 0.15% 0.57% 3.93% 1.15% - - 4.89%
March 2, 2012, midnight 1.9431 8 368 703 182.0000 45 092 488.3000 77 345 549.9000 32 253 061.6000 39 882 925 16 642 434 0.36% 0.37% 5.25% 1.31% - - 4.88%
Feb. 24, 2012, midnight 1.9362 8 294 037 644.0000 46 698 695.2000 75 961 136.9000 29 262 441.7000 39 285 578 15 132 152 0.08% 0.52% 4.78% 1.43% - - 4.86%
Feb. 17, 2012, midnight 1.9346 8 240 325 585.0000 37 559 271.7000 74 508 279.7000 36 949 008.0000 38 516 208 19 104 105 -0.02% 1.44% 2.88% 2.08% - - 4.87%
Feb. 10, 2012, midnight 1.9350 8 204 460 427.0000 14 157 811.7000 49 261 659.8000 35 103 848.1000 25 465 973 18 150 844 -0.05% 2.02% 1.99% 2.36% - - 4.87%
Feb. 3, 2012, midnight 1.9359 8 194 296 752.0000 17 892 673.7000 61 578 034.3000 43 685 360.6000 31 915 488 22 681 442 0.51% 2.53% 1.70% 2.42% - - 4.88%
Jan. 27, 2012, midnight 1.9261 8 134 924 910.0000 26 846 019.1000 68 635 916.0000 41 789 896.9000 35 899 616 21 893 552 1.00% 1.81% 0.93% 2.57% - - 4.85%
Notice: If NAV or rate (development of NAV / PL) are not published, these data may besupplemented from other sources.

Graf odkupu a prodeje

Graf odkupu a prodeje SPOROBOND - otevřený podílový fond CZ0008475233

Graph of purchase and sale

Graph of purchase and sale SPOROBOND - otevřený podílový fond CZ0008475233
 Graph of purchase and sale, net weekly sales, from   to  
Time: March 13, 2025, 7:59 a.m.
London time: March 13, 2025, 7:59 a.m.
NY time: March 13, 2025, 3:59 a.m.
Tokyo time: March 13, 2025, 4:59 p.m.

Zobrazit sloupec 
